Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh what a difference one year can make

This is the first positive test we had ever gotten. Hard to see the second line but it is there.

July 31st, 2009 was the best day of my life, up to that point anyways. That is the day we found our we were expecting a baby and that our dreams were finally coming true.

It has been one year since then and boy how life has changed. Kalen is such a good baby and we are so blessed to have amazing people in our lives that not only love us but love our little boy to death.

I was so sure on that day one year ago that life was playing some horrible trick on us and we were not actually pregnant. It turns out that that line turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to us.
As you can see I had a very hard time believing that we were actually going to be parents. We got our first positive pregnancy test on 11 days past ovulation which is really early so I had to keep testing.... I actually tested everyday until 15 dpo just so I could make sure the second line was still there..... hahaha

Motherhood and parenting in general can be a trying time but it is all SO worth it everytime he smiles or belts out a huge laugh. He is amazing and we love him.

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