Wednesday, August 19, 2009

6 weeks

Today we are six weeks along and I am feeling SO sick. I still have not puked but I feel like I am going to at any moment.

I am feeling so blessed to be carrying this baby. I am still preying for lots of sticky dust! We have a long way to go before we are out of the woods but I am so excited we have made it this far.

Yeah to being a mommy!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beta # 2

I forgot to post about my beta #2. Well 48 hours later my numbers went from 239 to 530. So it is definitely official we are expecting a baby. I called my doctor and I will go see her for my first visit on September 2nd. When I am there we will make the appointments for ultra sounds and any other necessary appointments. I am SO excited to see a heartbeat. I think once I see that some of my worries will subside.

5 weeks

Today we are 5 weeks along and as happy as I am it is really hard not to be SO scared that something is going to go wrong. I have already decided that I don't want to let these first few months pass us by because we are worried but I just can't help worrying. I hope that all goes fine and that next April we welcome the newest edition to our family. I am SO excited!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


So all I can think about are pickles. I would eat them all of the time if I could. I ate 5 of them the other day and I would have ate more but my mom was looking at me like I was going crazy. SO good!!! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So we found out on Friday July 31st that we are expecting a baby. We have been trying for a year and a half and have never gotten a BFP. So we are ecstatic about this. We were on our third round of clomid and TI. 

We got our BFP at 11 days past ovulation so I was a little more then scared to believe it was true. I have pee'd on many sticks since then and all came back positive. So yesterday I went to have my BETA hcg (pregnancy hormone) tested. I called the doctors office today and my beta #1 was 239. A very good number for a first check. Now I have to go back tomorrow to make sure that my beta number is doubling. In a viable pregnancy your beta should double every 48-72 hours. So here's hoping that we have a great number when I call Friday for the results.

So I am happy to finally be one this ride, the line was long but in the end it will all be worth it.